The Great Kindess Challenge is Back!
Posted on 01/19/2024

Dear Parent/Guardian, 

We are excited to announce that we are again participating in the Great Kindness Challenge, where we will join thousands of schools worldwide to create a culture of kindness. Your child is part of a powerful and positive bullying prevention initiative that will lead to more kindness, unity and respect at school and beyond. 

The Student Council has decided to focus on helping people experiencing homelessness in Winnipeg with a Warm Hands initiative. When staff dropped off new socks for the Siloam Mission, several people approached and asked if they had any mitts; when this was brought to the student council, they thought they could help, and the Warm Hands initiative was born.

All students who wish to help are invited to participate by bringing new or gently used adult mitts to school during the Kindness Challenge! This is an excellent opportunity for our students to respond to the needs of others, which teaches empathy and compassion. 

During the week, we have several activities planned, from a pancake breakfast, snow painting, and poster challenge to one of the student favourites, Spirit Days. 

  • Monday - Pancake Breakfast

  • Tuesday - Shine Bright for Kindness - Wear Bright Colours

  • Wednesday - Team up for Kindness - Wear Sports gear/Jaguar gear/Yellow & Black

  • Thursday - Make Others Smile - Wear wacky/silly clothes

  • Friday - Dreaming of Kindness - Pyjama Day

Thank you in advance for helping to create a culture of kindness and compassion in our community and beyond! 

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